App Integrations

1. App Selection

There are so many apps, it can be confusing how to choose the bset one. We have a process for guiding you through it.

2. App Connection/ Configuration

Understanding the order of apps helps you to setup and stack apps with your accounting system.

3. App Training

Learn how to utilize your connected technology to the fullest potential.

4. App Maintenance

Even the best technology requires attention. We help by offering support packages for ongoing maintenance.

Often businesses need Apps for their QuickBooks. The QuickBooks Ecosystem is vast and, just like phone Apps, there are many to choose from. We help small businesses decide which technology will improve their business, design how to implement the technology, and stay along for the deployment of the technology. We can also help to maintain the integrity of the technology through monthly or “as needed” support-based services.

As an accounting firm we help guide the decision to solve problems from an accounting perspective by providing possible solutions to help manage small business to improve operation.

You pay your taxes based on the numbers; make sure they are correct.

For more information, contact Accounting Lifeline.